
Object Hierarchy:

Object hierarchy for ConsoleApp


public class ConsoleApp : Application

Does all of the low level setting up of a virtual console so you don't have to.

To use it, your main function should look something like this:

using Ev3devKit;

static int main (string[] args) {
try {
ConsoleApp.init ();

// Program-specific initialization goes here. It must include something
// that calls ConsoleApp.quit () when the program is finished. ();

// Any additional cleanup needed before application exits goes here.

return 0;
} catch (ConsoleAppError err) {
critical ("%s", err.message);
return 1;

Namespace: Ev3devKit
Package: ev3devkit


Creation methods:


Inherited Members:

All known members inherited from class Grx.Application
All known members inherited from class GLib.Application
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface GLib.Initable
All known members inherited from interface GLib.ActionGroup
All known members inherited from interface GLib.ActionMap