
Object Hierarchy:

Object hierarchy for Box


public class Box : Container

Container for laying out widgets horizontally or vertically.

A horizontal box with 3 children might look like this:

| | | |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| | | |

If the last child Widget has horizontal_align == WidgetAlign.FILL and there are no Spacer child widgets, the last widget will be stretched to fill the remaining space. Otherwise, the Widget.horizontal_align property will have no effect.

The Widget.vertical_align property can be used to position the child widgets vertically. WidgetAlign.START will align the widget to the top of the Box, WidgetAlign.CENTER will align it in the middle of the Box, WidgetAlign.END will align it to the bottom of the box and WidgetAlign.FILL will use the entire height of the box.

Vertical boxes work similarly except the vertical and horizontal properties are swapped.

Namespace: EV3devKit.UI
Package: ev3devkit



Creation methods:


Inherited Members:

All known members inherited from class GLib.Object